Home / New York Steelpan / Adlib Steel Orchestra Photographs and Music / Adlib Steel Orchestra Rehearsing for the CLACC-C Junior Panfest 2016 16
These are a few photographs of the Adlib Steel Orchestra taken during the last night of rehearsal for the Brooklyn CLACC-C Junior Panfest on August 26th, 2016.
The band rehearses at its panyard (rehearsal space), 855 Nassau Road, Uniondale, NY nightly during the months of July and August every year to prepare for the pan competitions held in Brooklyn in late August and on the Saturday of the Labor Day weekend.
The Carlos Lezama Archives and Caribbean Cultural Center (CLACC-C) held its annual Junior Panfest on August 27, 2016.
The Adlib Steel Orchestra participated for the first time.
To see photographs of Adlib participating in the 2016 CLACC-C Junior Panfest competition click here
To view as a slideshow on a desktop/laptop (the best way to see all the pictures full sized), click on the small logo which looks like an old-fashioned movie camera with tripod legs above this text.
The band rehearses at its panyard (rehearsal space), 855 Nassau Road, Uniondale, NY nightly during the months of July and August every year to prepare for the pan competitions held in Brooklyn in late August and on the Saturday of the Labor Day weekend.
The Carlos Lezama Archives and Caribbean Cultural Center (CLACC-C) held its annual Junior Panfest on August 27, 2016.
The Adlib Steel Orchestra participated for the first time.
To see photographs of Adlib participating in the 2016 CLACC-C Junior Panfest competition click here
To view as a slideshow on a desktop/laptop (the best way to see all the pictures full sized), click on the small logo which looks like an old-fashioned movie camera with tripod legs above this text.

Adlib Steel Orchestra Rehearsing for Junior Panfest August 26, 2016
719 hitsAdlib Steel Orchestra Rehearsing for Junior Panfest August 26, 2016
684 hitsAdlib Steel Orchestra Rehearsing for Junior Panfest August 26, 2016
634 hitsAdlib Steel Orchestra Rehearsing for Junior Panfest August 26, 2016
622 hitsAdlib Steel Orchestra Rehearsing for Junior Panfest August 26, 2016
652 hitsAdlib Steel Orchestra Rehearsing for Junior Panfest August 26, 2016
664 hitsAdlib Steel Orchestra Rehearsing for Junior Panfest August 26, 2016
588 hitsAdlib Steel Orchestra Rehearsing for Junior Panfest August 26, 2016
614 hits